Friday, April 17, 2009

Where did the week go?!!

Our son the rock star amazes me sometimes. He came over with the model and the bug for a visit the other day and I snapped this gorgeous shot of him snuggling with muffin face. 
 When it was time for them to leave I watched as my big, tough, hard rockin' boy quietly, and without being asked, stood up, packed up Bug's things into the nappy bag, threw it over his back, picked up his nephew, gently put him in the car seat and tucked him in with his blanket, he looked like he had been doing it his whole life and my heart just melted - one day, when he finds the right girl, he is gonna make such a good dad!

the rocksar and Khye....

The bug and his Mama, our girl

My little muffin face..

the songstress had her 19th birthday last week so we had a nice family dinner, Happy birthday my darling!!

I have been working hard on orders in the last couple of weeks so decided to do a bit of 'fun' sewing! I absolutely love the gorgeous patterns made by the very talented Kellie of "Don't Look Now" I have just ordered her latest pattern but thought before it arrived that I would get a little practice in with one of her free pillow patterns. It's not finished yet but I had to post some shots of it - can't wait to do some more! I am just learning applique and quilting and this was my first go at stipling (Woo-Hoo!) Hopefully I will get it finished tonight and will put up some pics when it is done.



Kellie said...

Your pillow top just looks beautiful! I can't wait to see it finished!
Now I have to say ... who looks like that after having a baby???? That's just not fair for us normal humans!
Enjoy your weekend!

Niki Jones said...

Um helllllllllo, how divinely good looking are your lot. Seriously. They should all be on the covers of magazines. And as for that baby, has anyone got a big 'ol spoon. He is delicious.

Niki x

Jen said...

Kellie, I am really happy with my pillow, I LOVE your designs and can't wait to do some more - I already have more flowers cut ready to start my next one... Don't want to get back to my dress making - I am having too much fun!! And I know what you mean about Angel, she has always had the metabolism of a greyhound, just like her dad - certainly not like her mum!, I'm still carrying my pregnancy weight from when I had our Alora and she turns 18 soon!! hmmmm :)!!

Niki, Thank you so much! - I am pretty proud of my babies :)! Angel and Deekie both do a bit of modelling when they have time and are in a few different mags, this year they are also in the 2009 edition of Perth Bride (although Angel hates the shots they used!) Steve spends most of his time behind a guitar and microphone covered in sweat playing heavy metal music, hmmm, that aint so perdy!! and isn't Khye delicious!! I just can't get enough of him :)!!!