Sunday, April 19, 2009

A School Ball (Yayy!!!) and a finished pillow (yayy again!!....)

Isn't she beee-uu-dee-fullll! Our darling baby girl  had her Year 12 School Ball a couple of weeks ago, Firstly I asked her where she wanted to go so we could buy her dress for the ball, and did she have any idea of what she wanted, what style?.... My incredible, amazing girl told me that she didn't want a new one. She was just going to wear the ball gown that we bought her last year when she went as a partner to one of her old school friend's ball's. She had only worn it once and the place that she wore it, or rather the ball where she wore it, noone from her ball went to that so it would be fine. But maybe she would get some new shoes. (I love this girl so much :)!!!) Anyway, she had such a great time at the ball and I was so proud of herthat whole night. She had organised to go to an after ball party put on by one of her friends, we said that it was okay but we were putting our trust in her to behave responsibly. About 10 minutes after Hubby dropped her off at the party she called him and asked him to pick her up because she was not comfortable. When she got in the car she told us that everyone was drinking or drunk and there were a few older guys that had turned up and she just felt that there was going to be some trouble so she wanted to get away from it. I was sad for her that some of her school friends had chosen to ruin what could have been a great night but I was so proud of her!!!
Considering how much she wanted to go to the after ball party I was so thrilled that her common sense prevailed and that she made such a mature decision, even if it meant missing out on the fun... I love you baby....

I finished my Flower Garden Pillow!! I am so happy with that I am gonna start another "Don't Look Now" design now!


Femina said...

That pillow is gorgeous! I'm doubly impressed since I'm the type of person who will use a bandaid to fix a hem that's fallen down...

Congrats on raising a mature, sensible daughter (who looks fabulously Grecian in that dress).

Jen said...

haha, thanks Femina, I have never tried the the bandaid trick although I once went on a date with a guy who had the hem of his pants held up with staples, worked a treat! And I am proud of Alora, although I don't know how sensible she is, this is a child who went to a driving lesson in her pyjama pants -not the tracky pants kind either, they were full on flannel beety boop ones :-/!!

Femina said...

Haha - okay, well congratulations on raising a daughter who CAN be sensible when pushed! :)

No, I'd never use staples... you can see them from the outside...

Unknown said...

What a lovely sensible young lady your daughter is . Love your cushion .

Jen said...

thank you Claire!

Suzanne said...

I love the story of your daughter. Having a son in Year 12, who has not had a drink yet, makes me a very proud mum and I always get sad when I hear about underage drinking.
You daughter looks beautiful.

Kellie said...

Your pillow is just lovely! You've done a great job!

Jen said...

Thanks Suzanne, I am proud of my Alora - and I bet you are so proud of your young man!! Making it to year twelve without a drink is some feat now adays isn't it!

Jen said...

Thanks Kellie, yes, I do love it too - do you have a flickr group for your designs that have been made by other?? I would love to add this!