It's been a busy time here at Deekie Belle Designs, I have been working on some new designs and spending some much needed time getting some spring cleaning done. Although with all the rain we are getting here it doesn't feel much like spring!
Went through my fabric stash and tucked alot of it into nice tidy crates but kept some of my favorites on the shelves..
Enjoyed making another 'Don't Look Now!' design cushion - (complete with my newly aquired trapunto skills- woo-hoo!!) Here's a shot of it all cut out and ready to be ironed and stitched..
And of course, I spent some time with my gorgeous grandson - here he is getting a bath from his daddy,
Will be back soon with some more photos, have finished some Jingle Sox and just need to get some good pictures. Hope you are all well, big hugs Jenxoxox
Alora has started to scan some old pictures onto the computer for me. Here are a couple of my mum and I, in the first I am a couple of months old and the second one is of my first birthday...
I have bad brain fuzz. I used to be so sharp, and quick, I had a memory like a steel trap. Names, dates, faces, times - I remembered everything, Mr Deekie Belle used to be completely baffled by it... He was always like - "how in the heck can you remember that??!" But in the last few months I have felt a few things slip and have become a little,.. lets say, blurry... Anyway, I got quite worried that it was something serious... but discovered that I'm just going through 'peri-menopause'. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is the stage of your life where you are past 'childbirth' but pre -menopausal. Some of the symptoms of peri-menopause are:
Hot flushes and/or cold flushes (check), Brain fog (check) Weight gain (check), Feelings of Anxiety (check), Increased tension in muscles (check), Breast tenderness (check), Tingling in the extremities (check), Increase in allergies (check), Trouble sleeping through the night (check) and the list goes on.
I have discovered that this can last up to 8 to 10 years and then, you get actual menopause. Some of the symptoms of this are: Mood swings, Sudden tears Breast tenderness, Hot Flushes and/or cold flushes Weight gain Trouble sleeping through the night Brain fog Increase in allergies and the list goes on... and on....
hmmmm, I just love being a woman! :)
Anyway, at least I had a good brain for a while...
Hope you enjoyed this, I thought it was great!! Hugs to you all! Jenny xoxox
Ps - I am wanting a new design for my blog ....if anyone know of someone who could help me out please give me a shout xo!
I have been a bit under the weather lately but got some sewing done last night, made another lady bug pillow, this time in pink and blue and I did trapunto for the first time too on it! woo-hoo!! Thanks goodness for youtube, that is where I learnt how to do it, not sure if you can see the effect of it in the pics but it does give it alot more depth and a much nicer finish - I am very happy with it! again, thanks to the gorgeous Kellie who took the time to email me and explain to me what trapunto was - she really is a treasure!!
Hubby and I have also been out a few times to listen to our son's band, they played on both Saturday and Sunday night on the weekend and were fantastic - we love you Copious! My darling sis looked after the bug for the model and the other rock star, but after Sunday night's gig we went back to their place to take over until they got home.
The model wanted to spend a little time with her man after the gig which was lovely..
I snapped a couple of pics of him while he was in his cot, watching his winnie-the-pooh mobile....
I took this one of the band on Sunday night, and couldn't believe it when I put it up on the computer - looks like the Lord is shining right down on our boy!!
..It looks like the rock star is really short doesn't it, but he isn't!
He's 6'1"!
It's just that Noddy, the lead singer is about 6'6" and Blake the basist is 6'5",
the other rock star completes the front line up at 6'2", and Dave the drummer is 6'... so rather a ominus looking bunch, but really the sweetest guys you could ever meet, It's so true what they say about not judging a book by it's cover ;)!
(Although I am sure they want to keep their tough guy image and might be a bit embarrased by one of the mum's blabbing about them on her blog..... so shhhhhh!!)
Anyway, must get some sewing done, designing some new Jingle Sox and have a few other things on the go! Have a great week my lovelies!
Hope you are all going well! I have been busying myself in my studio since we got back from down south... I did a nice spring clean, which always makes me feel better, and have been doing some sewing for my grandbug... made him a couple of little outfits so far, with a few more on the way, I did pants and an appliqued t-shirt, with a little train driver style hat and a bib. The Model and I saw some really cute hats similar to these in Pumpkin patch for little boys but they didn't really go with any of the PP outfits, The Model likes the co-ordinated look so I had a go at making a pattern for the hat and it turned out okay I think... (although the first bib I made was a little too big)
I love his cute DC shoes! (a present from Aunty D...)
Oops... blinded by the flash!
that's better!
Finished this little surfboard set last night - made shorts instead of pants and the bib is a much better size :)! I am sure that he is gonna be on a surfboard as soon as weather permits, Mr Deekie Belle and the kids all surf and so if Poppy has his way he will be surfing before he can walk!
I would love some feedback on the outfits, and thinking of perhaps offering them in my etsy and madeit shop.