I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and enjoyed many special moments with your families and friends.
My prayer is that 2011 will be filled with much love and peace for you all.
We had a great Christmas!!

Hunny bunny in her cute skirt!

♫ ooh, ♫ oh, ♫♪ oh... ♫ my brown eyed girl ♪♪...
I wont overload you with Christmas pics but thought you might get a giggle out of these ones...
I try and find fabulous and interesting things online for the kids, things they would never get for themselves... They always look forward to their pressies as they never know what they're gonna get!!
This year I got Steve a set of these!!!

Steven is one of those people who has an incredible God-given gift with music
... he can pick up an instrument, figure it out and then teach himself to play it most times immediately...
he,he,he, but this one is gonna take a while ;)!
Tired little grandbugs ready for bed....
So more photos soon!!
Okay, loads more to share, but for now, just a quick shot of my darling Mr Deekie Belle and I...