Monday, April 6, 2009

Please pray for Abbey

Beautiful little Abbey Colbert was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in October of '08, and she really needs your prayers. This little sweetheart has been having such a hard time of it and at the moment is very, very sick. Abbey is back in hospital again with a very high fever and they are worried that it is a bacterial infection, which is very dangerous for her. The Colbert's really need your prayers, please ask the Lord to bring her healing and comfort and that her family will feel His peace and blessings on them at this very difficult time.

You can read about Abbey and her beautiful family on her blog by clicking on the button above.

Thanks so much!


They have discovered that Abbey has a a blood clot in her brain, which will have to be treated by 2 daily injections until it is gone. The illness from the fever seems to be subsiding but they still don't know the cause or if it is from an infection.. Although they do now realise that if she had not had this fever they would not have discovered the blood clot (which seems to have been caused by some of the early injections from her chemo). So come on all you prayer warriors, they are still waiting for the blood culture (re: the fever), so we they need a negative on that, and they definately need the clot to go away quickly! - this little girl has way to much to deal with without being jabbed with needles every day! She will still be having her regular leukemia treatment too so prayers for that also - This beautiful girl needs lots of healing!
Thanks so much xx